Monday, July 28, 2008

Pictures of Our New Home

Ok, guys, here are some pictures of our new house. It's the "blank slate" look, seeing as how we've not painted anything in these and there is no furniture. As soon as I'm able, I'll post pictures of the "after" look.

This is the entrance to our new base. It's our "free" security system! ;)

This is the outside of our new house. Notice the lack of grass...yeah, once again, no yard!

This is the view from the back of the living/dining room looking towards the front of the house. Like I said, "blank slate!"

Here is the kitchen. It came with (as you can see) a gas stove, refrigerator, and dishwasher. Small but serviceable!

This is the storage under the stairs. We're going to put shelves in this and make it a pantry/storage area.

This is our bedroom. It has a really nice walk-in closet that you can't see.

Here is our garage. It's a two car garage but they built it extra large so we can add shelving and have loads of storage space.

So, that is our home at a glance. Like I said, I'll definitely update the pictures ASAP. We're getting our furniture today, so hopefully I can post them soon. Love to all!


Lacy said...

yay! I can't wait to see the afters!

Candy said...

How fun!!! I can't wait to see some after pictures. :) Hope things are going great for ya'll!

destiny said...

I like it! I can't wait to see it after you have put some of "you" in it!

Martha said...

This is so pretty! You guys are going to have so much fun decorating, painting, and putting use to all that storage space!