Fall is in the air!! Oh my gosh! Some mornings it's positively freezing! I let the girls at work know I think it's cold, and...they laugh at me! Then they tell me that it's only going to get worse!! Oh I can't wait to have winter set in! Yahoo, Negative degree weather, here I come!! (Do you hear the sarcasm?!) However, at the moment, the weather up here is BEE-U-TI-FUL!! The wind is brisk, the sun is shiny, and the air cool (minus humidity!!) and it is wonderful. I actually enjoy rolling down my windows. That is something I never used to do, huh, Lay? The trees here (what few there are!) are already changing and the colors are so pretty. Even though I am a thousand miles from my family and friends, I still enjoy living up here, much to my surprise!
Here are some of the trees in their new outfits...

Ok, so off the weather...Blair and I have this real problem with left overs. We don't really eat them. When we first got up here, Blair made chili, put the left overs in a bowl, put it in the fridge, and we promptly forgot about it! The other day, I pulled it out and this is what I found! How gross right?! Blair saw me taking this picture and he was horrified! He told me I should not post this, but I find it to crazy not to post! I couldn't believe this would actually grow on food in the fridge. So let this be a lesson to all! Gross stuff can grow on food in the refrigerators! Power to the home-made penicillin!

And on to the next picture...I love my husband and all of his idiosyncrasies, and the following is one of them...He makes sandwiches on the counter top and this is what is left over...Until he eats this off the counter...Bless his heart. At least it's not the floor, right!?

Well that's all for now folks! Hope all are well and happy!! Fill me in on your lives!! I miss you!
Oooh the trees look pretty! That must be nice to have no humidity!! OK, about the leftovers...first let me say YUCKY picture! But, that does sound like how Beau and I usually are, we forget about the leftovers! SO, something new I've been trying...I recently started freezing half of the meals I cook. We usually still have some leftovers from the half we eat and then a few weeks later I thaw out that dish and voila...dinner without having to cook again! So, I've done this with Chicken Spaghetti...which is just as good after it's been frozen, and even a cheesy chicken casserole (Courtney's recipe..it's in our PEP cookbook:) and I've done it with lasagna. You should try it!
Laura-I'm so glad to hear that things are going so well for ya'll!!! :) BRRR...I don't think I could handle that cold weather! Looking forward to seeing you post beautiful pics of the snow though! :) Have a good day!!!
Wow, Sis. Go you for posting a pic of some dastardly fungus. Not that I can talk...I've thrown out SEVERAL items long forgotten and mold infested. I just never thought to post a pic of it. Maybe we should have a "Most Fungus-y Pic Post" contest. You in?
I'm really jealous of your weather. Ours is trying to cool off, but Mr. Humidity is a control freak, as you well know. He just can't cut us any slack! Oh well, maybe we'll be wearing hoodies by January!
Love ya, Sissy!
That is so stinkin funny about the counter...Willie just leaves crumbs, not CHUNKS! And wow, the mold (which is really called Penicillium before it's made into medicine :)) That's a whole new breed up there. I read somewhere that your fridge should be at least 40 degrees to keep your food good. Just a thought! It was great to talk to you today...can't wait to see snow pictures--Love you bunches!!
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