Ok, so. You know how when you dream, sometimes you don't really remember all of what the dream was about? (I hate that, personally, unless it was a bad dream, of course!) Well, the other night I had the best/worst dream ever. I was dreaming that I was at some sort of shower or get together. I walk in and start seeing all these people I knew. It was really kind of cool, because even though I saw them in my unconsciousness it still feels like I saw them, ya know? Anyway, every time I saw someone new that I loved, we would have this great big Martha-hug (anyone that's been hugged by Martha knows that she loves to give firm hugs, they're the best!) and start crying. As stated earlier, it was a good/bad dream. It was good because, like I said, it made me feel like I'd see all the people that I love so much. It was bad because I woke up and realized that it was truly just a dream. However, when I woke up, it still felt like I was being hugged and I had tears clogging my throat, just like now. That feeling of being hugged was the absolute best. It made me feel like God knew just what I needed after that heart-wrenching dream, and He gave it to me.
I want to take this time to tell you all, my loved ones, how very much I miss you. Now, don't get me wrong. I don't mind living in fro-zone land where it gets to -30 and I love the adventure that my wonderful husband and I are having living somewhere so different from anything I've ever known. I honestly love the people here and my job is great. But, if only you all were here with me, it would make everything perfect. But we don't live in a perfect world, says the AllState commercials, so I suppose I'll make do with my dreamt of hugs. But know that if I could I would love to give you all a great big squeeze right now. So go out and find someone to do it for me (preferably someone you know!!) and think of me.
Sleeping In Seattle
11 years ago